There are many problems that we have encountered during this project like:

Our Leader, model creation, presentation, she mostly worked on the robotics.

The project that we have chosen is the business of recycling.Our challenge is to investigate how different materials are disposed of in our school. We need to identify ways to reduce waste in school and the impact it makes on the environment. We have to find ways to create money within school or save money in our school with...

Here is the Gantt chart -Which Bella and Sarah have developed- that we created on Excel. It shows what we have done over the weeks for the project. The blue represents when we have done the task stated on the left.

Whenever someone has an idea or piece of important research we would communicate through yammer.

On this day, we met our leader (Ryan) from the company Grupo Antolin. Ryan showed us a short presentation about the company (where they were based, how it was started and what they do etc). Ryan talked with us to discuss what projects our group was choosing and this then led to the discussion of what Grupo Antolin does to...



note: some meetings not listed contain mostly of research, planning and modelling.

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